
英特爾今日發布全新Intel® Core™第14代桌上型處理器系列,由Intel Core i9-14900K領銜,全新Intel Core第14代系列包括六款不鎖頻的桌上型處理器,最高達24核心和32執行緒,以及高達6 GHz的時脈。此外,Intel® Core™ i7-14700K核心數較上一代多4個Efficient-core(E-core),具備20核心和28執行緒。Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility(XTU)如今具有全新AI Assist功能,為特定的Intel Core第14代不鎖頻桌上型處理器,提供由人工智慧引導的一鍵超頻能力

英特爾副總裁暨客戶端運算事業群、效能型PC與工作站總經理Roger Chandler表示:「自從混合架構推出以來,英特爾持續不斷提高業界桌上型處理器的效能標準。透過Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器,我們再次向世界展示當今市場上追求最佳桌上型電腦體驗的創作者選擇英特爾的理由。」

為什麼這很重要:隨著用戶對於高效能處理需求提升,CPU對遊戲和創作者具有前所未有的重要性。Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器搭載英特爾先進的混合架構,提供PC愛好者所需的運算效能,且不影響使用者的工作流程[ii]

i9-14900K是Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器系列的旗艦產品,並且為目前全球處理速度最快的桌上處理器,開箱即用的6 GHz時脈為遊戲玩家提供了保持遊戲領先所需的優勢[iii]。核心數增加25%的i7-14700K,讓創作者可享受效能大幅提升的多執行緒工作負載。Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器結合全球最佳的超頻體驗,並與現有的 600 / 700系列主機板相容,提供效能型玩家強大的運算能力與性能表現兼具的產品體驗[iv]

英特爾歷來最佳的桌上型體驗:由可達6 GHz的渦輪頻率i9-14900K領銜,Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器具備更高時脈,全系列的效能提升讓終端使用者體驗最好的性能。[v]


  • 極致的遊戲平台:Intel Core第14代處理器提供了沉浸式的遊戲體驗,相比其他競爭對手處理器遊戲效能提升最高可達23%,而Intel® Application Optimization(APO)等以遊戲為主的新功能可確保在現有的Intel Thread Director技術下,提供比以往更優異的應用程式排程[vi][vii]
  • 持續領先的超頻能力:Intel Core第14代不鎖頻處理器持續提供從初學者到超頻玩家無與倫比的超頻體驗。最新一代不鎖頻桌上型處理器首次導入Intel XTU AI Assist超頻功能,同時支援遠超過DDR5 XMP 8,000 (MT/s)的速度。
  • 優異的連接體驗:英特爾最新桌上型處理器系列整合支援Wi-Fi 6/6E和藍牙5.3,同時也支援全新獨立Wi-Fi 7和藍牙5.4無線技術。此外,Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器也支援Thunderbolt™ 4,以及高達80 Gbps雙向頻寬的Thunderbolt 5有線連接標準。[viii]
  • 相容於600700系列晶片組:Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器仍與Intel 600和700系列晶片組相容,讓使用者輕鬆升級既有系統的同時,亦可享受最新一代的遊戲與創作效能。

Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器將於2023年10月17日起於零售商或透過OEM合作夥伴體系發售。

更多內容: Intel Core第14代桌上型處理器(產品說明) | Intel Core 第14代S系列處理器(媒體簡報) | AI Assist如何透過機器學習讓超頻更簡單(技術說明影片) | Wi-Fi 7如何更快速、更可靠、更安全 (技術說明影片)

As of October 2023 AI Assist is supported on certain Intel® Core™ 14th gen unlocked SKUs. For more details on SKU support, see Intel® XTU download page.

[ii] Performance hybrid architecture combines two core microarchitectures, Performance-cores (P-cores) and Efficient-cores (E-cores), on a single processor die first introduced on 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors. Select 12th Gen and newer Intel® Core™ processors do not have performance hybrid architecture, only P-cores or E-cores, and may have the same cache size.  See ark.intel.com for SKU details, including cache size and core frequency.

[iii] At 6.0 GHz Max Turbo Frequency, Intel Core 14th Gen i9-14900K is the fastest desktop processor at volume.

Testing as of October 2023.

[iv] Based on enhanced overclocking ability enabled by Intel’s comprehensive tools and unique architectural tuning capabilities of unlocked Intel Core 14th Gen processors. Overclocking may void warranty or affect system health. Learn more at www.intel.com/overclocking. Results may vary. For details, see intel.com/overclocking.

[v] Based on the performance (as of October 2023) and other attributes of Intel Core 14th Gen processors that combine to form the best overall desktop experience. These include: Fast speeds: up to Max Turbo Frequency of 6GHz – the highest for any desktop processor at volume; see ark.intel.com for details. Strong processor performance across a collection of benchmarks and real-world gaming, productivity and content creation workloads, including in relation to prior generation (13th Gen Intel® Core™) and AMD Ryzen 9 7950X and AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D processors. New and improved tuning and optimization features. Broad memory support for both DDR4 and DDR5 memory modules. Support for best-in-class wired and wireless connectivity, including discrete Intel® Wi-Fi 7 (5 Gig) support. Intel’s unparalleled approach to security like security assurance programs founded on security by design principles, transparency and disclosure of vulnerabilities and a robust Intel Platform Update process, an esteemed bug bounty program as well as internal research through red teams and more. Breadth of price and performance options available in Intel Core 14th Gen family. Extensive open ecosystem enablement (e.g., OEMs, ODMs, OSs, ISVs, etc.) Testing as of Oct. 1, 2023.

[vi] Up to 23% more FPS gain vs. competition as measured by Starfield on Intel Core 14th Gen i9-14900K vs. AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D. For all workload and configuration see www.intel.com/PerformanceIndex. Results may vary. 

[vii] Intel® Application Optimization is a policy within Intel® Dynamic Tuning Technology that optimizes performance on select games, with the required configurations on select Intel® Core™ 14th Gen processors.

[viii] Support for best in class wired and wireless connectivity, including discrete Intel® Wi-Fi 7 (5 Gig) support. 6 GHz Wi-Fi 6E operation requires use of Intel® Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+) products in conjunction with operating systems and routers/APs/Gateways that support Wi-Fi 6E, together with regional spectrum allocation & required regulatory certifications. Visit www.intel.com/PerformanceIndex (connectivity) for details. Wi-Fi 7 operation requires use of Intel® Wi-Fi 7 (5 Gig) products in conjunction with operating systems and routers/APs/Gateways that support Wi-Fi 7. Discrete Intel® Thunderbolt™ 4 (Maple Ridge) is only validated and supported from Intel® 600 and 700 Series Chipset PCIe lanes. 


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